Dear New Resident,

The Board of Supervisors and Administrative Staff extend a warm welcome to you and your family.

You will find our Township to be a well-planned, well-managed community whose residents take pride in their homes, churches, schools, parks, and government.

The Township is a Second Class Township and operates under the Board/Manager form of government. There are five elected Supervisors. The Manager, Attorney, and Engineer are appointed professionals. The Board of Supervisors meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room, Township Municipal Building. You are welcome to attend and speak on any subject.

We invite you to participate in the many programs provided by various organizations active in the community. We hope you will help us maintain our high standards by volunteering your talents to our advisory boards. Once again, we are most happy you chose Antis Township.

Doug Brown
Township Manager

Regional Education

Post-Secondary Schools

Recreation and Shopping

Arts and Culture

Health Care

Housing and Cost of Living
